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28 Movie Reviews

8 w/ Responses

animation galore

Good visuals man. All i can say is next time, look out for those transitions; you have two many of em too soon. (you know, fade to black transitions). in some parts, it wouldve been better just to cut right away to the next scenes action.

pretty good

i guess the best thing here was how your character turned out. looked pretty good, therefore, it saved the movie. (although the way you made the characters "walk" sort of ruined this).

And as for the concept.. Its hard to make out the whole point of this film.. i suppose it was the thoughts on his paper... but you didnt leave them there long enough as for to decipher the small print. i think the movie could go further after the friend drops the paper.. or i dont know.. end with drips of blood on the floor or something like that..

good first try.

Snootywaiter1 responds:

Well the point of the movie wasnt the thoughts on his paper, it was the fact that he's pouring his heart out and telling a person his deepest thoughts and they dont appreciate it and they just throw the paper away, but thanks anyway :)

oh boy

i never shifted through such emotions.. At first a tear was rolling down my eye... i felt really sad for the guy... but then... when the hand came out of the grave.. i felt very scared.. i didnt know what was going to happen... i felt so helpless.. and then, finally, i was laughing my ass off, when he was trying to hit her with the shovel. PRICELESS!! congratz to you my friend.


i really dont know what i should criticize... your flash skills or your spanish...
they really both SUCK. was this for spanish class or something? just out of curiosity, what grade did you get on this?


i wish i had a WACOM TABLET too

what happened?

This is not very thoughtful or original... compared to your previous work.

I think youve been hanging out with Devvo for too long.

DAVID!!!!!!! HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOW THE HELL DO YOU MANAGE?!?!? one after another, each one so unique and so tied together!!!!! and each time you slip in little details about the character... like, i cant help notice that in EVERY episode, salad fingers has at least ONE female trait. GENIUOS!! you know, i come to newgrounds everyday, but ONLY with the hope that a new salad fingers installment is out. THANKYOU!!!! PLEASE MAKE a 6!!!!!
10 in interactivity because you can play with your joystick while you watch!!!!!!

hes definetly the best ball

bob the ball has become an inspiration in my life... i quote him all day... this flash really can get deep if you analize it.
hell..id even buy bob the ball t-shirts if you made some.

PLEASe!! BOB THE BALL 2!! The return of the nazi pirates!! dont delay!

front page please


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