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hmm very interesting take on how the meeting between these two characters would go. However, I think this would be a better video if you provided some backstory as to how they ended up together in the first place. I clearly understand X's motivations, (see how long that pink ball of play-doh lasts), but it is hard to believe that would be the first thing that happened when they met. Kirby perhaps did something to anger him? Also, we get no insight as to Kirby's mind, which would be nice.
Regarding the attacking sequences, it seemed like this is spot on how it would go if a merger like this were to ever happen in real life. Albeit X did not have a chance to utilize any of his special abilities. Now that I think of it, both are characters that absorb their enemies powers... I think not exploring that was a big missed opportunity.

The animation is overall smooth for sprites. Maybe the fatality could have been a little more explicit, but the idea came across. I could almost feel kirby's pain when he expelled Megaman from within.

2.5 stars. Maybe do a sequel? (or prequel, wink wink)

CrimsonTomb responds:

I can clearly see where you are coming from my friend, that is a great idea on creating a backstory though... I hope to improve on my animations in the future since this was my first :P

Have a great day!!


THAT WAS TRIARACHNid MUSIc!!!!! GREAT CHOICE!! ive always seen it as some sort of suicidal music cuz that game is so hard u know ur gonna die the moment u start playing.

take care

notorious responds:

lol thanks for the good review i will ;)


i hate that this is an obscure series and hasnt gotten the attention it desserves! get motivation for chapter 8, and make a really good one so u get frontpage, and the people will check out the rest of the series. Where are you from?

pokeguys responds:

Thanks, now because of the nice and loyal fans like you, the project is live again, soon we will start with the next chapters, and we will try to do our best, and we live in europe, half of the team is french and the other part is spanish, thanks dude

pretty good

i guess the best thing here was how your character turned out. looked pretty good, therefore, it saved the movie. (although the way you made the characters "walk" sort of ruined this).

And as for the concept.. Its hard to make out the whole point of this film.. i suppose it was the thoughts on his paper... but you didnt leave them there long enough as for to decipher the small print. i think the movie could go further after the friend drops the paper.. or i dont know.. end with drips of blood on the floor or something like that..

good first try.

Snootywaiter1 responds:

Well the point of the movie wasnt the thoughts on his paper, it was the fact that he's pouring his heart out and telling a person his deepest thoughts and they dont appreciate it and they just throw the paper away, but thanks anyway :)

nice return

i liked how mario returns the kamehameha when you choose him to win.
how the hell did you make that superb effect?

Slayers-Choice responds:

Thnx for the compliment, i just tweened it and then turned it, if you dont get it my msn is raynier@chello.nl :D


I really liked how you managed to get the "UFO-documentary" feel to it, even though it only lasted 10 fucking seconds.
I gave you a 10 in sound cuz i liked the music at the start (with the stonehenge). That reminded me of UFO videos or something.
I spent hours listenign to the "play.. pause... rewind" sounds. well, actually only like 3 seconds. but they were nice.
Make a complete movie next time.

Livecorpse responds:

Hey thats cool ya liked it, seeing as how it was so short and all. Rock on

very nice

That type of animation is a pain in the ass to make. Anyways, you did a good job for just an experiment.
It has no story or purpose, except for showing frame by frame animation, but that is ok, cuz thats what you say your gonna show.
It did have some humor though.
Ive never tried frame by frame, but your movie shurely inspires to do so. thanks!

CandlesAccount2 responds:

your welcome! :)

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