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This is beyond amazing. The way the Simon synchronized his movements to the beat of the music was pixel perfect. I also enjoyed subtle details like the distortion going on within his pupils/iris. It kept me interested during the entire video.
I only wish we could learn more about Simon. The only thing I can extract from this is that he likes to make noise. But what are his motivations to listening to this music? It doesnt seem like he is the one making the noise, but rather listening to it being produced by someone else while he just moves to the beat. I may be delving too deep on this but I am wondering if this is a criticism on today's media and economy. How most people are forced to "watch" things they would like to do on TV etc, but do not have the means to do it. IF so, kudos to you... this is very deep.

anxiously awaiting future installments of Simon's adventures

hmm very interesting take on how the meeting between these two characters would go. However, I think this would be a better video if you provided some backstory as to how they ended up together in the first place. I clearly understand X's motivations, (see how long that pink ball of play-doh lasts), but it is hard to believe that would be the first thing that happened when they met. Kirby perhaps did something to anger him? Also, we get no insight as to Kirby's mind, which would be nice.
Regarding the attacking sequences, it seemed like this is spot on how it would go if a merger like this were to ever happen in real life. Albeit X did not have a chance to utilize any of his special abilities. Now that I think of it, both are characters that absorb their enemies powers... I think not exploring that was a big missed opportunity.

The animation is overall smooth for sprites. Maybe the fatality could have been a little more explicit, but the idea came across. I could almost feel kirby's pain when he expelled Megaman from within.

2.5 stars. Maybe do a sequel? (or prequel, wink wink)

CrimsonTomb responds:

I can clearly see where you are coming from my friend, that is a great idea on creating a backstory though... I hope to improve on my animations in the future since this was my first :P

Have a great day!!

very nice

The part that says "USA" always brings tears to my eyes.

Poor guy

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16 Game Reviews


as a doctor myself, i find ur game quite curious. Ive been following the series since DC1, and graphically you have gotten much better... I know this is supposed to be FUN rather than REAL, but in this particular episode, i think you really sort of jumped out of reality too far, and im not talking about the time travel thing...
first, like, you focused alot on the "re-attaching limbs" thing... Its not like u can just suture a limb in its place, and use "nerve stimulation". You have to first take into account that u need some sort of support system for the bone, either intraoseous bars, or external plates, but something to hold the whole limb in place. Secondly well, this maybe might be too detailed, but all the vasculature.. u have to take care of that as as well. Like, the nurse without the limb, if i recall correctly she had no tourniquet or anything... she wouldve bled to death in less than 3 minutes... Another thing, regarding "sedation". For surgeries like the finger, we would use local anesthetic, and u inject directly into the nerves of the area youll be working on. Anyway, i guess its just me that is bothered by these details.

Also, u have the wrong idea about "sterile". It can also be pretty gruesome and stressful.. specially emergency surgeries... There are other calm and planned surgeries that are new and very technological, but still gruesome, such as eye-surgery.

Anyway, if you keep doing these i recommend that you pick up any illustrated surgical atlass, where it describes procedures with pictures and in a step-wise matter.. if u could SORT of base ur game on this, it would be awsome.

ok cya

good game

fun, good graphics, shitty song (sorry).
Amenorrhea is not even an STD... it just means that a girl doenst have periods...
And why would the "super" attack of the menopause cunt be blood, when the whole point of menopause is that there is no more bleeding?
other than that... great game.

good game

graphics were decent... they almost look like the original figures from the game, so that was good.
sound... well the use of silence actually made it more dramatic and tense.. so excelent use of sound (i know u did this unpurpuse).
the only thing i would suggest for you to improve, is maybe add a bit more story... like, why are they wanting to kill that poor zerg in the first place? or, do those terran units know each other? like, are they friendS? and whats in it for them.
Also, it would be good to put a bit of background on the zergling... like, when was it born, and what happened to its brothers... etc..
overal, great game! i cant wait for a "protonic" sequel (hint hint)

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