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15 Game Reviews

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i didnt play so long because my computer freezes. I saw enough to see something very nicely done, but that needs some tunning. The 3-D effect mustve taken some time of your fingers... But you crakced it. Still, i would suggest you use that engine to make something a bit funner. The engine is amazing.
At first i thought this was the third part of "BOB THE BALL". you ever heard of him? I wonder what ever happened to that guy, he was in TOP 50 for quite a while. K. See ya

doenst work

when you said it wasnt finished, i thought you meant "no sound, only one level, no intro screen, etc"...
but this doesnt even work.

nice job

as i told you in my review of your first submission, simple is good.
You cracked it. i spent like 20 minutes playing your game. its very fun. you could still add some more stuff.. like, more ways to die. maybe proximity mines, or something like that. Another thing, instead of loosing 30 points from score, make a life-gauge, and when you dont pick up a cross in time, it takes a hit-point away. If you miss 5 times or something, you die. This is because in this version, once youve gotten a hang for it, and get over 60-70 points, its almost impossible to die.. and this is the reason it got me bored after a while.
what all gamers seek, is the constant thrill of death. remember this for future games and versions of this one.

mac5 responds:

Thanks for this awesome review! I made the game harder, and gave you credit. Thanks so much! And you do make a good point. About the life gauge. But, I think mines are good enough. Thanks again sooo much! This really helped!

yo got the skelleton right!

hey this is very promising engine. it is fun and adicting... but you just submitted the skelleton. this could get much greater.
I was thinking... the game is about a ball.. right? Why not make it a game about the "Best ball in the whole world"? Bob the ball. Theres alot of potential in this idea. here, go to http://newgrounds.com/portal/view/140303
and contact the author. he could have some funny ideas for powerups, or a story for the game, and the engine and concept could be exactly like the one in this game. add good music, and you have a top 50. Please answer my review to tell me what you think! im really looking forward towards that.


my advice for you to make it better:
the first step would be to clean up your piano sounds. like, if you press a note, you dont just hear the clear sound of the note. you also hear some white noise with it.
Thats about it.. thanks for including the black notes as well.
overall pretty good.
oh, and by the way, TABS are the name used for a simple way of writing guitar/bass music. For piano, its called sheet music.. although in your case, its just "notes".

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